TCL-L46V7300A-3D installing third-party software

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TCL-L46V7300A-3D installing third-party software
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Use SD card to store software and plug it in.
In the TV app store, download 360 Guard and install -- run 360 -- find the software management -- search for the third-party software in the SD card -- install.
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Yes, download the third-party software installation to the TCL storage card (if not, use the USB disk), connect it to the TCL interface, and install it according to the prompts. For smart TV, it is better to install a video watching application, such as a video application like TV Cat, which can be installed and tried
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A sofa steward is installed on a USB flash drive. There are all kinds of special videos such as live broadcast, on-demand, games and so on. It is very simple to download and install with one button. If you can't install it, you can go to the official website of sofa butler to see the installation tutorial of your model, or the official group of QQ group search sofa website, where there is a god who will teach you.
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ZOL Q&A > LCD TV > system > Mobile phone installation > TCL-L46V7300A-3D installing third-party software


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