When Xiaomi 4 starts up, the screen flashes continuously. It will be fine again later. Why?

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When Xiaomi 4 starts up, the screen flashes continuously. It will be fine again later. Why?
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When Xiaomi 4 starts up, the screen flashes continuously. It will be fine again later. Why? [Picture] View All

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Hello: It is recommended that you first back up important data, and then enter Recovery to clear all data. Do not restore data after power on, and see if you can solve the problem. (System update - restart to enter Recovery; or in the shutdown state, press and hold the volume increase key and the shutdown key, and when the startup screen appears, let go to enter Recovery. Enter Recovery to clear data and clear all data.). Or back up your data, and try to use the full package after WIPE.
If there is a problem, it is considered that the hardware is faulty, and it is recommended to send it for repair.
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Go to the national online repair shop to repair..
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Optimize the memory and unload the rarely used programs
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When you reinstall the system, first remove the software fault
It's easy for the laptop to crash when playing games

My laptop often crashes The configuration is better than the previous computer, but the previous computer can play

I changed several kinds of video card drivers. I can't help it. The notebook has been left at home and is useless. It's better to keep it old!
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It is dos when the screen is black, so it cannot be calculated
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It is likely that some parts of the internal connecting lines are loose. It is recommended that you find a professional to check
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Uninstall useless software.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > system > Phone power on > When Xiaomi 4 starts up, the screen flashes continuously. It will be fine again later. Why?


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