How to delete 2345 Kantu King? This software can't be found in the computer

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How to delete 2345 Kantu King? This software can't be found in the computer
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The situation you mentioned should be the so-called "green software", which has not been written into the registry, so it cannot be found in the program or the software manager.
In fact, it is better to clear this software, hit its icon (you know this software exists, there is always a place to see it), right click on the icon - "Properties" - "Find Target", find the location of the software, and then delete the pop-up folder.
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This is really bad. The way is to install 360 and kill them all
Because 360 and 2345 can't cope
Uninstall the computer steward first
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Now many software downloaded from the software market will be bundled
It is recommended that you do not click bundle when downloading and installing
You can download it from Tencent Computer Manager Software Warehouse
Prevent bundled software from bothering your PC

If the software brings inconvenience to you, you can uninstall it in Tencent Computer Manager - Software Management - Software Uninstall

If you cannot uninstall normally
You can delete this folder by using Tencent Computer Manager - File Smash+Registry Cleaning function
Note: The registry can only be completely deleted after multiple smashing+deletion. It is recommended to run Tencent computer steward with administrator privileges

You open Tencent Computer Manager - Toolbox
Select file shredding
Add the folder you want to delete to the shredder
Can be deleted completely

After cleaning, open the computer butler - computer cleaning

Check Clear Registry - Start Scanning
Tencent computer butler enterprise platform:
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It seems that it is not a browser but a homepage
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Right click the icon, properties, look at the browser address, and then find that there should be an uninstall tool, which is really not good. Next 360
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It is recommended to delete and uninstall the 2345 browser together with the viewer, and clean up the installation files
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1. First, find the hiding place of the rogue software, which is usually on the c disk

2. There are so many rogue software, and then click the 2345pic folder

3. Then delete all. You can also find this

4. Double click to open

5. Then click OK

6. Continue to confirm, and then the rogue software will pop up a webpage

7. No choice. Just close the webpage

8. Click Finish here, and the junk software will be completely removed

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ZOL Q&A > mouse > other > How to delete 2345 Kantu King? This software can't be found in the computer

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