Asus K53SV can increase the memory

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Asus K53SV can increase the memory
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How large is the memory module? This laptop supports up to 4G of memory, with a total of 4GB for a single line and two lines.
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Brand computers or notebooks may use different brands of memory even if they are of the same model and different batches. This is to ensure that when a memory supplier has a problem, there are others that can be used for backup to ensure their normal shipment. In fact, the current brand memory compatibility is very good, and the possibility of incompatibility is a qualitative leap than before. Memory of different brands and the same specification can be mixed.
If you think it is not suitable, use Master Lu to test it, see what brand and specification the notebook uses, and then buy one according to the detected brand.
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I don't know why you are struggling to restore the hidden partition. If you want to restore it with one click, just install a software yourself. There is no need to bother
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There is no high split screen model in the same series, which means there is no high split screen cable for this series, so it is useless to have high split screen
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The A series originally uses the K series motherboard~
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Under normal circumstances, don't worry. The main thing is that the resolution of the screen is lower than that of the 15 inch screen. The graininess will be a little heavier. Don't always put your face close to the screen. Stay away from it. You will get used to it later
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I suggest you check the specific information of the memory and buy the same one as the original one
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > Other classifications > Asus K53SV can increase the memory


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