Why does my laptop screen feel foggy

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Why does my laptop screen feel foggy
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You can adjust the brightness, color saturation and temperature difference of the display.
If it is new, ask the dealer to replace it.
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... The software estimates that there is no theme, that is, a black theme, but the bright spots are good for protecting the eyes... Don't make a mistake
Low brightness is more likely to cause eye fatigue. Besides, it is not recommended to turn off the lights, watch TV and play computer games. It is bad for eyes
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1. Adjust the brightness of the screen in Control Panel - Power Options 2. Adjust the brightness of the screen in the graphics card properties 3. Use shortcut keys to adjust the brightness of the screen 4. Do not use the Ghost version of the operating system, Although the installation of the Ghost version of the operating system is simple and fast, it is easy to have system problems or drivers that cannot be loaded normally. This problem is probably caused by this problem. It is recommended that you look for a regular pure installation version of the system installation CD drive to boot and install to see if you can solve this problem.
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The resolution is too low, just turn it to the maximum!
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The screw is too tight. Go to find the repairman
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > Why does my laptop screen feel foggy

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