The display folder of Xiaomi connected to the computer is empty

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The display folder of Xiaomi connected to the computer is empty
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My version is Xiaomi 4 mobile 4G. Previously, I could see the memory of Mi 4 in my computer even if I connected it to the computer with a data cable, but I suddenly couldn't see it a few days ago. Click the icon of MI 4LTE to go in and see a blank, displaying the folder View All

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In fact, this problem is very simple
In the drop-down menu, is there a USB debugging option and a USB option,
Click the USB option and switch the storage mode

It's that simple.
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Find the DICM folder in the phone folder, which contains photos. Some pictures downloaded from the software will be in his own folder. For example, WeChat download will be in the qq folder.
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Is the mobile phone a fake millet?
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It is recommended to obtain root
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If the file is hidden, return to the disk window instead of the folder window. Click "Tools" on the toolbar → Folder Options → View → Pull down the scroll bar to see "Display All Folders" → Mark a black dot in front of it → OK → Go in and see if it appears.
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1. Open my computer, double-click the disk to open it;
2. Point to the open page (note that the page is blank at this time) and right click to open it;
3. Select Show Hidden System Files and left click to open it;
4. Select the picture you want to copy to your computer.
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The system has broken down, send it to the maintenance shop
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > Other classifications > The display folder of Xiaomi connected to the computer is empty


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