Why is the computer always disconnected? It will be better later

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Why is the computer always disconnected? It will be better later
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1: The network itself is unstable, and may be disconnected due to any interference. Contact the network provider.
2: If it is connected wirelessly, the wireless network card of the computer may not be very good, and it is also easy to be disconnected. You can replace the wireless network card or add an external one..
3: The quality of the connected router is poor, which may also occur. You can replace it with a good one.
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Set background protection in settings.
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Parallel goods
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This is a network problem. If you really think that the machine is slow, you can clean it yourself
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Restore the router settings.
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The cable head is broken
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In the settings, if you can, you can try another lock screen. I recommend you one. The text lock screen is excellent. I usually use text lock screen. Personally, I think it's very good
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > Why is the computer always disconnected? It will be better later


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