From the new installation system, how can I keep the resources being downloaded by Xunlei? Because some of the files being downloaded are very large

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From the new installation system, how can I keep the resources being downloaded by Xunlei? Because some of the files being downloaded are very large
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It can be downloaded to other disks. If Xunlei downloads temporary files, if Xunlei reinstalls them, directly run the temporary files generated by Xunlei, and then import them into Xunlei to continue downloading. This is my case
You can install Thunderbolt to a non system disk. After the system is reinstalled, Thunderbolt will run directly. Generally, Thunderbolt will continue to download
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Open the download directory~copy the td and cfg files generated by Xunlei download! Such as USB flash disk,
After reinstallation, open Thunderbolt and import the unfinished task~~cgf
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Nothing, just import and download the file directly
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Do not need special processing. After reinstalling, open and download
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Before reinstalling the system, you should first confirm that the location of your Thunderbolt download files should not be in your system disk. In other disks, you should confirm a Thunderbolt download directory. After reinstalling the system, find the folder of Thunderbolt download and find the temporary files you did not download last time. Double click it
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If the file downloaded by Xunlei is not deleted
Download Xunlei again, find the previously downloaded file, and double-click to import the progress (without losing the previous progress).
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ZOL Q&A > From the new installation system, how can I keep the resources being downloaded by Xunlei? Because some of the files being downloaded are very large

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