IPhone 11 can't recognize face

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IPhone 11 can't recognize face
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1. First, you can solve the problem by checking whether the front camera has obstructions, such as dust, phone film, etc., and cleaning the phone screen with a cleaning cloth.
2. If the problem still exists, it may be caused by system failure. You can try to shut down and restart the phone, and reset the system. If the problem still exists, you can consider restoring the phone to factory settings and re entering data.
3. If the problem is not solved, it may be caused by hardware failure. It is recommended to send your iPhone X to an Apple authorized service provider for repair and after-sales contact.
4. When using iOS 11, you can use the "Lift Awake" function to light up the screen and unlock facial recognition. If this function is not enabled, you need to manually click the screen to light up.
5. The face unlocking of iPhone X does not require the user to lift his wrist or keep his sight level, and is not affected by hair style, makeup and time period. This makes the face recognition process almost silent.
6. Under normal circumstances, re recording Face ID can solve the compatibility problem. If it can be successfully solved, it means that the failure is caused by compatibility problems.
7. If re recording the Face ID still fails to solve the problem, it may be a hardware failure. It is recommended that you go to a regular Apple repair center for repair.
8. As for the comparison between iPhone 11 and iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus has a 5.5 inch screen and 401PPI pixel density, while iPhone 11 has a 6.1 inch screen and 326PPI pixel density. Although the screen size of iPhone 11 is larger, the visible area has no obvious advantage due to the existence of "bangs".
9. In terms of display effect, although the pixel density of iPhone 11 is slightly lower, it is not significantly different from that of iPhone 8 Plus. This may be related to the small difference perceived by users.
10. In addition, it is worth noting that users who use the 3D Touch function in the game may feel inconvenient because it has been cancelled on iPhone 11. However, in normal use, most users can hardly detect the difference between pixel density and screen size.
11. Finally, multiple factors need to be considered when evaluating iPhone 11 and iPhone 8 Plus. Although the iPhone 11 has a larger screen size and more functions on paper, the user experience may also be affected by the visual area, 3D Touch and facial unlocking function in actual use.
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Can I use facial recognition for iPhone 11 WeChat payment? The iPhone 11 does not have fingerprint recognition, but uses face recognition, that is, face ID. How can I set up face payment on iPhone 11 WeChat? Next, let's have a look with Xiao Bian.

How to use face in Apple 11 WeChat payment
1. First, open WeChat, click Me, and then click Wallet.

2. Click the square icon in the upper right corner of the wallet interface.

3. Then click to enter Payment Management.

4. Finally, click to open the switch behind [Face Payment].

The above is all the content of how to use the face of Apple 11 WeChat payment brought by Xiaobian. For more intelligent information, please follow Smarthome (m.znj.com)!
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Facial recognition is also a safe and reliable requirement for Apple 11 WeChat payment. So you can try
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How to set Apple WeChat payment? After password payment and fingerprint payment, WeChat soon opened a new payment mode - face payment. But many iOS users do not know how to set face payment. The following is the setting method of face recognition for iOS WeChat payment. Let's have a look!

How to set face recognition for Apple WeChat payment
1. Open the iPhone, find the settings, enter the page and find [Face ID and Password];

How to set face recognition for Apple WeChat payment How to set face recognition for iOS WeChat payment

2. After entering the face ID and password page, click [Other APP];

How to set face recognition for Apple WeChat payment How to set face recognition for iOS WeChat payment

3. Select [Allow WeChat to use face payment] on the new page, then open WeChat and find [My];

How to set face recognition for Apple WeChat payment How to set face recognition for iOS WeChat payment

4. Click [Payment], click [...] in the upper right corner, and open [Open Face Payment] on this page.

How to set face recognition for Apple WeChat payment How to set face recognition for iOS WeChat payment

After completing the above operations, when users use WeChat to transfer and consume, they can directly conduct face scanning verification, which is much faster than password authentication!
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