If I want to buy a laptop, I do computer plate making and can use AI, CDR and PS software. Which laptop is good and affordable within 4000

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If I want to buy a laptop, I do computer plate making and can use AI, CDR and PS software. Which laptop is good and affordable within 4000
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Nowadays, the configuration of notebook computers is quite powerful. Buying a notebook computer at a price below 4000 yuan can completely meet the needs of graphic design software. I recommend that you consider the K480A model in the new generation SNB Core i5 series products of Shenzhou. Shenzhou Jingdun K480A-i5/i7 is equipped with the second generation Core i5 dual core 2410M processor and the new generation Core i7 quad core 2630QM processor, and the price is only 3999/4399 yuan.
In addition to the hardware configuration, the following factors should also be considered when selecting a laptop. The first is processor performance. For graphic design software, strong computing power and multithreading processing capability are very important. The second is memory capacity and graphics card performance. When using multiple software or complex graphics processing, large memory can provide better running effects, and having a separate graphics card can speed up the image rendering process.
In addition, screen size, weight, portability and other factors should also be considered when selecting a laptop. If you need to carry your laptop out to work or study frequently, thin and light products with strong portability will be more suitable for you.
In a word, the K480A model in the new generation SNB Core i5 series products of Shenzhou is a laptop with high cost performance and can meet the needs of graphic design software. However, before purchasing, it is better to consider various factors in combination with your own actual situation and choose the most suitable product.
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Note: I can't find these in Baidu, so I suggest you go to the printing forum. You should know about the printing. According to the P number of the document, the opening number of the printing machine, and the special process of the document, such as gold stamping, UV, drum, knife plate, etc., it is not clear in a few words
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This price.. It works very well with a desktop..
If you need a notebook.. This price.. Just do something simple..
In particular, there are more AI effects, more CDR pictures or more PS layers.. It's easy to get stuck.
It's enough to learn, but if you really do business, it may be a little insufficient..
If configured, other gods will answer -- this book doesn't know much --
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ZOL Q&A > If I want to buy a laptop, I do computer plate making and can use AI, CDR and PS software. Which laptop is good and affordable within 4000

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