How to deal with the problem that the computer cannot automatically update the time when it has a lower corner

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How to deal with the problem that the computer cannot automatically update the time when it has a lower corner
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1 Lower right corner --- time setting

2 Select the internet time, that is, the network time, and change the settings

3 Check this box and click Update Now to confirm

This will automatically synchronize with the network time
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Repair or reinstall the system antivirus, and then modify the time. If not, replace the motherboard battery.
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It seems that there is no problem with the host. You only take the main engine to repair, proving that the main engine is OK. It can be checked one by one from the network cable, speaker wiring, keyboard, camera head, etc
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XP system cannot set two times at the same time. Vista can set the time of multiple urban areas at the same time. The setting method is as follows: 1. Click the time in the system tray, and click the "Change Date and Time Settings" dialog in the pop-up dialog box. 2. Switch to the "Additional Clock" option in the pop-up "Date and Time" dialog box, check both "Display Clock", and then select the time zone respectively, And enter the display name. 3: After setting, click OK to save the settings and exit. After that, your system time can display the time in multiple time zones. Tip: If the user finds that his system time is out of sync, he can switch to the "Internet Time" option in Figure 4, and then solve the problem of different times according to the system prompt I hope it can help you, so that you don't have to calculate the time difference
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We have solved more than 1000 problems. I've never heard of you.. People are slow
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I have to change the time by myself. It's the same as you said after I reinstalled the system
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > system > Phone updates > How to deal with the problem that the computer cannot automatically update the time when it has a lower corner


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