I have a budget of 4700. Which laptop is better to buy now?

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I have a budget of 4700. Which laptop is better to buy now?
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Sorry, you didn't provide specific questions, and I can't give a clear answer. However, if you have a limited budget and need a laptop with high cost performance, you can consider the following points:
1. Processor: Select dual core or four core processors, such as Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5.
2. Memory: More than 8GB of memory can meet most daily use needs.
3. Storage: Select M.2 solid state disk (SSD) instead of traditional mechanical disk (HDD) to improve system response speed and startup speed.
4. Graphics card: If it is used for games or video editing and other work that requires a lot of graphics processing, it is recommended to choose an independent graphics card instead of an integrated graphics card.
5. Screen resolution: Try to choose a resolution of 1080p or above to reduce energy consumption while ensuring clear image quality.
In addition, you can also consider buying second-hand notebooks or paying attention to promotional activities to obtain higher cost performance. I hope it is helpful to you!
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