WPS form can also be used as a template for phonetic order search

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WPS form can also be used as a template for phonetic order search
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Phonological order search is a common method for Chinese character query. It determines the pronunciation and writing order of Chinese characters through the order of letters, so as to help us quickly find the required Chinese characters. When using the phonetic order search method, we need to first determine the pronunciation of Chinese characters, and then find the corresponding Chinese characters in alphabetical order.
When performing a phonetic order query, we usually need to input a word or sentence containing a space or comma as a separator, and query according to its pronunciation. For example, when entering "China" for query, the system will prompt a list of three syllable Chinese characters starting with "zh" and ending with "g".
In addition to the query function, the phonetic order search method can also help us learn and remember the pronunciation and writing order of Chinese characters. Through repeated practice and familiarity with the alphabetical order, we can better master the pronunciation of Chinese characters and improve our ability in language learning.
In a word, in daily study and work, mastering the method of looking up words in phonetic order is of great significance for efficient retrieval of Chinese characters and improvement of language level. Therefore, it is necessary for us to strengthen the learning and understanding of the phonetic order search method, and skillfully use this tool to help us better query Chinese characters.
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In the primary school Chinese examination, we often use the phonetic order word search method to look up the dictionary. In the actual examination, it is impossible for students to really look up the dictionary. Usually, students are asked to write the first letter of the designated Chinese character. In order to improve the accuracy of students' answers, we can make a phonetic order examination template to strengthen training, and interested Chinese teachers or parents can have a try. Open your WPS Form 2012 and try it now!
① Create a new workbook, enter the column titles in sheet1, and enter the Chinese characters you want to check

② Set the correct answer area and hide it in the C2 grid. Enter or paste the following formula:=LOOKUP (CODE (A2), 45217+{0,3654411160917932080256029023845410744679515453954055689617062297017481776384729264}, {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"}) A2 is the Chinese character "Hu" to be examined The cell in which it is located. The meaning of this formula is to obtain the code of Chinese characters and convert it into English letters. The formula screenshot is as follows:

Select this column to hide it. ③ Set the score to enter=IF (B2="", "", IF (B2=C2,10,0)) in grid D2, which means that if you answer correctly, 10 points will be given; if you answer incorrectly, 0 points will be given; if you do not answer, no score will be given.
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The following steps can be used to make a template for phonetic order search in the WPS table:
1. Open the WPS form and input the Chinese characters to be checked in the worksheet.
2. Click "Formula" in the menu bar and select "Mathematical and Logical Functions".
3. In the pop-up dialog box, select "IF" function and enter conditions and results.
4. Write corresponding conditions and results to judge according to syllable rules.
5. Use the function in the worksheet to query and output the query results.
The above steps are the steps to do the phonetic order search in the WPS table. It should be noted that the conditions and results should be determined according to the syllable rules, and the query results should be correct.
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I can explain the phonetic order search method for you. Phonetic order search is a method to find Chinese characters by using alphabetic order. It uses the order of letters to compare the pronunciation of Chinese characters, so as to determine the Chinese characters to be searched. In Chinese Pinyin, each Chinese character has a corresponding letter sequence, which is the syllable of the Chinese character. By comparing letter sequences, you can quickly find the desired Chinese characters.
In addition to the phonetic order search method, there are several other commonly used Chinese character search methods. For example, "radical character searching method", "stroke character searching method" and so on. These methods have their own unique characteristics and application scope, and are often used in daily life.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to let me know. I will try my best to answer for you.
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Phonetic order search is a commonly used method in Chinese character learning, which can help us quickly find the pronunciation and stroke order of a Chinese character. The following are the steps to use the phonetic order search method:
1. First, determine the Chinese character to search, such as "learn".
2. Sort the pronunciation of the Chinese character according to the initials, finals and tones of the Chinese phonetic alphabet, and pay attention to the writing rules of each syllable in this process.
3. The pinyin of this Chinese character is composed of initials, vowels and tones according to the sequence.
4. Input the pinyin of the Chinese character on the 3C electronic device, and then quickly search or filter to find all Chinese characters containing the pinyin.
Using the method of looking up words in phonetic order can help us find the Chinese characters we need more accurately, and it is also of great significance in the learning process. At the same time, in order to achieve better results, we should also pay attention to mastering the correct use methods and skills.
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The phonetic order search method is an algorithm for Chinese character search, which uses the syllables of Chinese characters to search. According to the phonetic order search method, each Chinese character has a corresponding syllable, which is composed of vowels and consonants of sounds. When using the phonetic order search method, we first need to determine the syllable of the Chinese character to be searched and find the Chinese character corresponding to that syllable.
In addition to using the phonetic order search method to find Chinese characters, you can also determine the pinyin and syllable of a Chinese character through other methods, such as initial, final, tone, etc. These methods can help us accurately determine the pinyin of a Chinese character.
In our daily life, we often need to use Pinyin and syllables, especially for people learning Chinese. Therefore, it is very important to master the phonetic order character searching method and other related knowledge. Only in this way can we better understand Chinese Pinyin and accurately use it to write and read phrases and sentences.
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Phonetic order search is a writing rule of Chinese characters, which is mainly used to quickly find the position of Chinese characters in Chinese Pinyin. By arranging the pinyin of Chinese characters in alphabetical order, you can easily find the row or column of the target Chinese character.
When using the phonetic order search method, you need to first determine the Chinese characters to search. Then input the initials and finals of the Chinese character in the order of the Chinese phonetic alphabet (if there is only one syllable, just input the initials). Finally, the system will automatically recognize the input pinyin and display the row or column of the target Chinese character.
In addition to using the phonetic order search method to find Chinese characters, this rule can also be used for training and review when learning and memorizing Chinese characters. For example, sorting by radicals and strokes can help us better understand the characteristics and writing methods of each Chinese character, and increase our understanding of the language and culture of Chinese characters.
In short, the phonetic order search method is a simple and practical tool, which can help us find the content we need faster and more accurately in our daily life. At the same time, it can also improve our cognition and understanding of Chinese language and culture.
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The phonetic order method is a commonly used method for searching Chinese characters. Its principle is to determine the pronunciation and writing form of Chinese characters through their syllables.
When using the phonetic order search method, the pronunciation of Chinese characters should be determined first. Generally, Putonghua is taken as the standard sound, and judgment is made according to the characteristics of initials, finals and tones. If you cannot determine the pronunciation of a Chinese character, you need to use the syllabary or other tools to help you find it.
Secondly, after determining the pronunciation of a Chinese character, we can determine the change in the writing form of that character according to the corresponding position in the syllabus. For example, in Mandarin, the first tone of "zhong" (zh ò ng) and the first tone of "zhong" (zh ō ng) have the same initial but different writing forms.
Finally, we should pay attention to some special circumstances when using the phonetic order method. For example, the word "Kou" has only one pronunciation "k ǒǒ u" in Mandarin, but it can also be pronounced "k òò u" in some cases, which needs to be judged according to the specific language environment.
In a word, phonetic order search is a necessary Chinese character search skill. Mastering phonetic order search can help us better understand Chinese characters and use them correctly.
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ZOL Q&A > WPS form can also be used as a template for phonetic order search


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