Set the picture to 16:9 in PS

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Set the picture to 16:9 in PS
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If you want to adjust the picture to 16:9, there are two ways to choose. The first method is to operate through the prompts in the reference materials. Another method is to change the image size through the options on the menu bar, and make sure to calculate the appropriate scale before adjusting.
Reference materials are as follows:
1. First, open the image file you want to scale.
2. In the layer panel, select Layer 1 (if there are multiple layers) or the main layer.
3. Click the "Image" option on the menu bar and select "Size" in the pop-up drop-down menu.
4. In the pop-up dialog box, click the "Calculate the Proportion" button to obtain the best proportion.
5. Set new width and height values as required, and ensure that they are consistent with the 16:9 ratio.
6. Finally, click OK to save the changes.
Another method is as follows:
1. Open the image file you want to scale.
2. Click the "Edit" option on the menu bar, and select "Change Size" in the pop-up drop-down menu.
3. In the pop-up dialog box, enter the new width and height values you want to set, and ensure that they are consistent with the 16:9 scale.
4. Confirm and click OK to save the changes.
Both methods can help you adjust the picture to 16:9 scale. Please select the appropriate method for operation according to your needs. If you need further information, please refer to the relevant reference materials.
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Some kids think the background of the picture doesn't match when they use PS software to process the picture, so they want to blur the background, but they don't know how to blur it. So let's introduce it to you.
The details are as follows:
1. Step 1: Double click or right click to open the photoshop software.

2. Step 2: After arriving at the main page of PS software, click the file option in the upper left corner, then click the Open option, and open the image to be processed.

3. Step 3, click to select the layer to be processed in the layer page shown below.

4. Step 4: After selecting the layer, click the lasso tool indicated by the arrow.

5. Step 5: Adjust the feather to about 20 pixels.

6. Step 6: box select the content to be reserved, and then select the reverse selection area.

7. Step 7: After selecting the background, click the filter option at the top of the page.

8. Step 8, we can see the pop-up window as shown in the figure below, and click the fuzzy option indicated by the arrow.

9. Step 9: After arriving at the pop-up window shown in the following figure, click the Gaussian blur option.

10. Step 10: In the pop-up window shown in the following figure, click the OK option in the upper right corner.

11. Step 11, we can see the effect picture shown in the following figure, which successfully blurs the background.
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Split with slicing tool, and then store in the format used by WEB

Satisfied, please adopt
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The setting is as shown in the figure. It is 16 * 9 cm, and the resolution is 200
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ZOL Q&A > cabinet > Other classifications > Set the picture to 16:9 in PS

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