Is the horizontal line of word footnote in wps different from the text?

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Is the horizontal line of word footnote in wps different from the text?
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In WPS, the horizontal line of Word footnote may not be the same distance from the text. This is because the default footnote style in WPS calculates the distance between the horizontal line and the text by multiplying the number of lines by 1.5, while other office software (such as Microsoft Word) uses a fixed value.
If you want the horizontal line of the footnote to be consistent with the text, you can select a custom style in WPS to set it. The specific operation method is as follows:
1. Open the document to be edited, find the "Experimental Area" in the "Start" function area, and click "Design".
2. In the pop-up dialog box, find "Footnote" and click "Format".
3. In the pop-up dialog box, select Paragraph Spacing and set it to the same value as the text.
4. Click OK to save the settings.
Through the above steps, you can keep the horizontal line of the footnote consistent with the text. At the same time, it should be noted that there may be differences in different versions of office software, so it needs to be adjusted according to the specific situation when using.
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1. Go to Outline View: View - copy - Document View - Outline View;
2. Display Remarks: Reference - Footnote - Display Remarks. At this time, the Footnote window will automatically appear at the bottom of the window, as shown in the figure:

3. Press the drop-down button and select "Footnote Separator", as shown in the figure:

4. The line you see is the horizontal line in the footnote. You can edit it here and modify it according to your own requirements.
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This problem may be caused by the inconsistency between Word's footnote format and WPS's footnote format. The solution is to save Word in plain text format (. txt), open it in WPS, and then save it in WPS format, so that it can be consistent. In addition, when using WPS to edit documents, it is recommended to set the font uniformly to avoid format inconsistency. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
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This problem may be caused by the default settings in WPS. You can open the "Tools" menu in WPS, select "Options", enter the "View" tab, find the "Font Position" column in it, and adjust this option to solve the problem of inconsistent distance between footnotes and text. In addition, you can also try to update the WPS software version or reinstall the software to solve the problem. If the above methods still fail to solve the problem, it is recommended that you contact the WPS official customer service or seek the help of other technical support personnel.
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This problem may be caused by the difference between the typesetting settings of WPS and Word. You can try to adjust the WPS layout settings as follows:
Open WPS and click the "Format" tab in the menu bar.
In the Format tab, click the Paragraph button.
In the pop-up dialog box, find the Paragraph Spacing tab, and adjust the values of Line Spacing and Before and After Paragraph.
You can also try to adjust Word's layout settings to solve this problem.
If the above methods are invalid, it is recommended that you consult professional technicians or contact the WPS official customer service for help.
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ZOL Q&A > Is the horizontal line of word footnote in wps different from the text?

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