The mobile hard disk format has changed to raw. Unable to open or identify. Only the drive letter is displayed.

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The mobile hard disk format has changed to raw. Unable to open or identify. Only the drive letter is displayed.
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Go to professional data recovery personnel to recover
RAW possibility 1: the partition is lost, and the currently known data recovery software cannot recover the RAW format
Possible 2: The hard disk has bad tracks, which makes the computer unable to recognize the format of the hard disk, and is also beyond the ability of the recovery software
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Go to the after-sales service. It will be fine after repair
You can format it yourself
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Don't format it. It can be restored
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If you don't want to restore data, you can format your hard disk. This is caused by a file system error (if there is no hardware problem). Formatting is the process of establishing a file system.
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The first way to restore hard disk files is to restore the data of Anyi. It's very useful. Scan data in read-only mode, and create the original directory file name structure in memory, without damaging the contents of the source disk. It can recover the data emptied by the recycle bin, the data lost by re partitioning, and the data that is deleted or formatted by mistake.
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Use data recovery software such as EasyRecovery
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Usually, the partition table is wrong
The processing method can try to use DiskGenius to retrieve and rebuild.

The method of data scanning recovery is feasible, but the efficiency is low, so it is not recommended.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile hard disk drive > other > The mobile hard disk format has changed to raw. Unable to open or identify. Only the drive letter is displayed.


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