How to deal with the failure of the Hongmi mobile phone to be connected to the computer

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How to deal with the failure of the Hongmi mobile phone to be connected to the computer
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If your phone cannot be switched on, you can try the following methods:
1. Make sure the phone battery is fully charged and not damaged.
2. Check whether there is water or water has entered the phone, which may cause equipment failure.
3. Try charging with different chargers and data cables to ensure that the charger works properly.
4. Before connecting to the computer, use the USB debugging function to open the developer option and allow USB debugging mode.
If your phone can connect to the computer via USB but cannot recognize or access the device, please try the following steps:
1. Confirm whether the computer has installed the correct driver. You can download and install the latest version from the official website.
2. Check whether the USB cable works normally, and try to replace it with another reliable USB cable.
3. Before connecting to the computer, make sure you have enabled airplane mode and no network connection.
If you still encounter problems, it is recommended to contact the manufacturer's customer service or professional maintenance personnel for help.
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If your Hongmi mobile phone cannot be switched on, you can try the following methods. First, make sure the phone is fully charged and charged with an appropriate charger. If the phone still cannot be switched on, you can press and hold the power on key for about 10 seconds to force the phone to restart.
If the above methods do not solve the problem, it may be caused by software failure. You can try to rewrite the phone firmware or restore the factory settings to fix the software problem. These operations need to connect the mobile phone to the computer first, and require some professional knowledge and technology.
In addition, if your phone cannot be recognized after it is connected to the computer, please ensure that the driver has been correctly installed and the USB debugging function has been turned on.
I hope the above methods can help you solve the problem that the Hongmi mobile phone cannot be switched on. If the problem still exists, please contact professional maintenance personnel for further maintenance and handling.
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Cause: Some data was lost during the update, including the driver. Solution: upgrade to the 4S store [Brush] It doesn't cost a lot of money. Note: if you feel that your water quality and the methods described on the Internet are higher than those of the professionals in 4S, you may as well try it. But if you have made thousands of bricks, you will be ruined. I'm not the Mona Lisa. I always keep a bright smile on my face It's normal when you connect to the computer: the drivers in your phone are lost or the driver update fails. How can the computer recognize it
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Cut off the battery power supply and charge it.
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In this case, the mobile phone may enter the false brick state, which may be caused by the failure of forward brushing, or the modification of data. The official firmware can be restored after one line brushing.
The computer downloads a miflsh millet dedicated line brush software, as well as the official red rice brush package, which is installed with corresponding mobile phone drivers. These can be downloaded from the MIUI forum or other mobile phone forums. The line brush package needs to be unzipped and unzipped to any folder with a non Chinese name.
Turn off the phone, press and hold the volume down+power button until the source on the screen lights up, enter a fastboot interface, release your finger, open the mifl out sh software, connect the phone with the data cable and power off the provincial brain.

Copy the path of the wire brush package you just unzipped, paste it into the miflsh selection box, and then click Refresh to identify the phone. Select the bottom to clear all data, and then click the front cover to start the brush.

Until the following interface appears, the phone will be restarted automatically and enter the system. It is slow to enter the new system for the first time, so wait patiently.

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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > How to deal with the failure of the Hongmi mobile phone to be connected to the computer


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