-- Is the symbol swollen?

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-- Is the symbol swollen?
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-- The input method of symbols depends on the device and operating system you use. Here are some common input methods:
1. Using the keyboard: In most English input methods, you can use Shift+accounting code "--" to enter the -- symbol.
2. Use emoticons: On some devices and platforms, you can directly select and use "--" emoticons from the emoticon library.
3. Insert when editing text: Open the text editor or Word document and other tools. In the editing mode, click the corresponding button or press the corresponding key combination to insert "-".
Please note that different devices and operating systems may have slightly different input methods. I hope it is helpful to you!
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Dashes (-).
Press and hold the up shift key and click the minus key (shift+minus key).

·Dash - indicates a sudden change of meaning. Indicates an annotation. Same as parenthesis. (c) Summarize the above paragraphs. Same as ":".
·Dashes are used to mark broken grammar (that is, the marked sentence is not consistent with the context; if this sign is not added, it is obviously not grammatical) or sudden turn; Sometimes it is used to indicate the sentence with annotations, which is equal to brackets.
Extended data
1. Ellipsis (...).
Press and hold the up shift key and number key 6 (Shift+6).

2. Exclamation mark (!).
Press and hold the up shift key and number key 1 (Shift+1).
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How to type the computer% symbol
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The symbols of -- and -- usually represent tabs in computer input, and are used to adjust the alignment of text.
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On the Chinese keyboard, press the option() key, or shift+? Key, and then press the space to enter.
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-- The input method of symbols depends on the device and operating system you are using. If you use the standard keyboard on your computer or phone, you can press and hold the Ctrl key (Windows) or Cmd key (Mac) plus the corresponding Shift key plus the "-" key to enter the -- symbol. If you need to enter this symbol on a web page, you can try "alt"+"-" in some cases, or right-click the mouse and select "Hyperlink" in the pop-up menu. In addition, in some editing software, you can also use shortcut keys to enter the symbol. I hope the above content will help you!
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ZOL Q&A > -- Is the symbol swollen?


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