Why does WPS always change my opening method?

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Why does WPS always change my opening method?
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WPS Office is an office software package developed and operated by Kingsoft Office Software Co., Ltd. It provides functions such as office document processing, table making and presentation creation.
If you encounter problems when using WPS Office, such as suddenly changing the opening method or other exceptions, it may be caused by the software itself or system settings. Here are some common solutions:
1. Update or reinstall WPS Office: download the latest version from the official channel and install it according to the installation wizard.
2. Check system compatibility: Make sure your operating system is compatible with WPS Office. If you are using an old version of the system, please consider upgrading to the latest version.
3. Close other programs: Some programs may conflict with WPS Office, and closing other running programs may solve the problem.
4. Clear registry and junk files: Clearing registry and temporary files can optimize system performance and repair some software failures.
5. Restart the computer: Sometimes the computer gets stuck or crashes. Simply restart the computer to solve the problem.
6. Check the firewall and security software settings: ensure that the firewall and security software do not prevent WPS Office from running normally, and set it to allow.
If none of the above methods can solve the problem, it is recommended to contact the official customer service of Kingsoft Office for help. They will be able to provide more specific solutions.
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The problem that WPS will automatically change the opening mode can be solved by resetting the file association. The following are specific solutions:
Before we can solve this problem in detail, we need to understand the cause of the problem. Generally speaking, WPS will automatically change the file opening method because when WPS Office is installed, it will set itself as the default file handler, which will overwrite the original file opening method of Windows 10 system. Although this may be more convenient for users who need to use WPS Office to process files, it will become a very annoying problem for those who are accustomed to using other software or system default programs to open files.
To solve this problem, we need to set the file association. File association is a mechanism to associate a file type with a specific program. When we double-click a file, the system will start the corresponding program and open the file according to the file association settings. Therefore, we can solve the problem of WPS automatically changing the opening mode by modifying the file association.
The specific steps are as follows: First, we need to open the "Control Panel" of Windows 10 system and find the "Program" option. In the "Program" option, we can see a setting item of "Default Program". Click to enter, we can see an option of "Set Default Program". In this option, we can select the default program we want to use and set it as the default file handler. In this way, when we double-click a file, the system will automatically start the default program we selected and open the file.
In addition to the above methods, we can also solve the problem of WPS automatically changing the opening method by modifying the file properties. The specific steps are as follows: First, we need to right-click the file to be modified and select the "Properties" option. In the attribute window of the file, we can see an option of "Open Mode". After clicking to enter, we can select a program we want to use to open the file. If we want to set this program as the default opening method, we can also check the option "Always use this application to open files of this type". In this way, when we double-click the file again, the system will automatically start the program we selected and open the file.
In addition, if we use the professional or enterprise version of WPS Office, we can also solve this problem through the built-in setting tool of WPS Office. The specific operation steps are as follows: First, we need to open the WPS Office software and enter the "Options" setting interface. In this interface, we can see an option of "File Association". Click to enter, we can see all file types related to WPS Office. We can select the file type we want to modify and associate it with the program we want to use. In this way, when we double-click the file, the system will automatically start the program we selected and open the file.
To sum up, the problem that WPS will automatically change the opening method can be solved by resetting the file association. Whether by modifying the default program, modifying the file properties, or using the built-in setting tool of WPS Office, we can easily solve this problem and restore the file opening method we are accustomed to using.
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WPS is an office software of Kingsoft Office, commonly used in Windows system. When you open a file in WPS, the default opening method may be modified. This is usually due to the default use of other programs in operating system settings to open specific types of files.
The following steps can be taken to solve this problem:
1. Open the control panel and enter the "Program" or "Program and Function" option;
2. Find and right click the WPS Office software in the list of installed programs;
3. Click the "Uninstall" button to confirm the deletion of the software;
4. Reinstall the latest version of WPS Office software.
If the above methods still cannot solve the problem, it is recommended to contact Kingsoft Office Technical Support for help. They will provide more detailed guidance and solutions.
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Why does WPS always change my opening method
WPS (Kingsoft Office Software) will change the default opening method of the user's computer in some cases, so that the user cannot select other programs to open when clicking the relevant files. This situation is usually caused by the automatic detection function of WPS.
To solve this problem, you can try the following methods:
1. Disable the automatic detection function of WPS: find the "Automatic detection" option in WPS settings and turn it off.
2. Use other browsers or editors: If you do not want to use the editor provided with WPS, you can try to use other browsers or editors to open related files.
3. Adjust system settings: find the "Default Program" option in system settings, and restore the default opening mode to user-defined settings.
In addition to the above methods, you can also consider updating the WPS software version or seeking professional technical support to solve the problem.
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WPS always modifies my opening method mainly because it automatically detects user usage habits and makes intelligent recommendations based on historical data. When a user opens a document, WPS will automatically determine the document type and recommend the corresponding opening method according to the document type used before. This intelligent recommendation mechanism can improve the user experience, but it will also cause some users to be troubled by this function.
If you want to solve this problem, you can try to turn off the auto recommendation function in settings. The specific steps are as follows:
1. Open the WPS software and click "Settings" in the menu bar.
2. Find the "Common Functions" option in the setting interface and click to enter.
3. Find the "Auto Recommend" option in the common function interface and close it.
In addition, the security of the computer system can be guaranteed by installing third-party antivirus software. At the same time, in the daily use process, we should pay attention to updating the software version and operating system patches in a timely manner, as well as regular cleaning of garbage files and other operations to ensure the stability and security of the computer system.
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Sorry, you didn't provide specific questions or background information, and I can't give targeted answers. If you encounter the problem that WPS always modifies the opening method, you can try the following solutions:
1. Check the software settings: find the "Options" or "Settings" menu in WPS, check whether the "Default Program" or "Default Open Mode" function is enabled, and ensure that the correct software is selected.
2. Disable self startup: terminate the WPS process in the task manager, and then restart it. This can sometimes solve some problems caused by software self startup.
3. Update software version: check and install the latest WPS version to ensure that you have the latest fixes and functions.
4. Clear the cache file: Clearing the WPS cache file may clear some temporary files and configuration information, which is helpful to solve some software failures.
5. Install anti-virus software: If there is malware infection, it may interfere with normal operation and change the opening mode setting. Please ensure that your computer is installed with reliable and updated anti-virus software, and conduct a comprehensive scan.
I hope the above suggestions are helpful to you. For further assistance, please provide more details or specific background information. thank you!
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