PS does the official seal, how to lengthen the text?

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PS does the official seal, how to lengthen the text?
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I am using PS to make the official seal, but the text is square. But the actual official seal text is lengthened in Song typeface. How can I lengthen the text? When I pull it, the whole circle becomes larger in equal proportion. Finally, it is square

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In Photoshop, you can use the text tools to add and edit text. First, select the text tool and click the image file to open the desired text layer. Then, select the text to be lengthened, and click the "Character and Paragraph Palette" button in the toolbar to call up the dialog box. In the vertical zoom box of the dialog box, adjust the percentage to increase or decrease the size of the text. You can adjust other parameters as needed, such as line spacing, alignment, etc., to achieve the desired effect.
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Expand all summaries, select the text tool in PS, click the image file, type the text to be used and select the text to be lengthened, open the "Character and Paragraph Palette" tool button on the text tool option bar, and increase the percentage in the vertical zoom box Consultation record · Answers to the official seal of PS on October 5, 2021-10. How to lengthen the text? Select the text tool in PS, click the image file, type the text to be used and select the text to be lengthened, open the "Character and Paragraph Palette" tool button on the text tool option bar, and increase the percentage in the vertical zoom box I hope my answer is helpful to you
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Select the horizontal text tool, move the cursor to the path, and click to enter text along the path. If it is not along the path, it may be that there is a slight deviation in the position, and move the cursor to
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