The iPhone was downgraded with iTunes

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The iPhone was downgraded with iTunes
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At present, iOS 11 downgrade operation is open, but other versions of the system cannot be downgraded. The following is how to downgrade iOS 11 to iOS 10:
1. First, download and install the latest iTools software on your computer. Connect your mobile device to the computer, and click the "Refresh Prison Break" above to enter the "One click Refresh" interface. Once the connection is successful, the software will automatically identify and match the corresponding firmware.
2. Select the iOS version you want to downgrade to from the selectable firmware. After clicking "Refresh Now", the Aisi Assistant will help you download the required firmware and start the refresh process. If you have downloaded the corresponding firmware, you can directly click Import, and then click Refresh Now again.
3. Considering that retaining the user data may result in failure to complete the downgrade or boot up, please do not check the option of "retaining the user data" when selecting the downgrade. The whole process will be carried out automatically. Please ensure that the data cable connection is maintained throughout the process and wait patiently for the device to restart after the whole process is completed.
4. After the device restarts, you can choose to use professional machine brushing tools to activate the device, or you can manually activate the device. Note that if your device has set the password for enabling lock screen (i.e. Apple ID), you need to enter the correct Apple ID to activate the device successfully. At the same time, please note that if you want to activate iPhone, you must insert a SIM card to complete the whole process.
Summary: The above is how to downgrade iOS 11 to iOS 10. It should be noted that the downgrade operation may cause some problems. Therefore, before downgrade, be sure to back up important data and ensure that you select the correct firmware version and operation steps. If you encounter any problem or confusion, please seek professional technical support in a timely manner.
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Unable to degrade normally, only forced machine brushing can degrade
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