Brother, let me ask you, I want to make an A4 size seal for the Four Merchants and Wei Guiqing. The number of X pixels in the PS.

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Brother, let me ask you, I want to make an A4 size seal for the Four Merchants and Wei Guiqing. The number of X pixels in the PS.
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A4 standard size is 210x297mm, which refers to the width and length of the paper. When designing and making electronic documents, you can use resolution to determine the clarity of pictures. In general, a resolution of 300 pixels/inch is considered clear enough. When creating a new electronic document, the appropriate resolution should be specified in the settings to ensure that the final product meets the A4 standard size.
To view the specific pixel size of an image, you can use the Image Size function provided in the image editing software. This function is usually located on the menu bar or toolbar, and a clear icon indicates this function. By clicking the icon or selecting the corresponding option in the menu, the user can enter the "Image Size" interface, where he can view and modify the pixel size of the picture.
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Using ps software, select "National Standard A4 Size" when creating a new canvas
Generally speaking, the display resolution on the computer is 72, and the publishing and printing resolution is 300
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300-350 pixels is enough
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ZOL Q&A > TV player > Other classifications > Brother, let me ask you, I want to make an A4 size seal for the Four Merchants and Wei Guiqing. The number of X pixels in the PS.

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