How to deal with the values in excel tables that do not need to be rounded?

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How to deal with the values in excel tables that do not need to be rounded?
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For example, the number I input is 3.9. If I don't want to keep decimal places, the system will round it to 4. Now I don't need it to round it. I just want it to display 3. What should I do?

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In Excel, you can use the ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, FLOOR, and TRUNC functions to round numbers. The usage and parameters of these functions are as follows:
1. ROUND (A1, 0): Round to the nearest whole number. Parameter A1 indicates the value to be processed, and the second parameter 0 indicates rounding down. For example, if you want to round down the number 12.59, the result will be 12.5.
2. ROUNDDOWN (A1, 0): truncate decimals and round them. Parameter A1 indicates the value to be processed, and the second parameter 0 indicates rounding down. For example, if you want to truncate the decimal of the number 12.59, the result will be 12.
3. FLOOR (A1, 1): turn to. Parameter A1 indicates the value to be processed, and the second parameter 1 indicates rounding up. For example, if you want to round up the number 12.59, the result will be 13
4. TRUNC (A1): "Truncate", that is, truncate the decimal part. Parameter A1 indicates the value to be processed.
These functions are very practical in Excel and can be flexibly applied to various data processing scenarios. I hope this information will help you!
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Rounding=ROUND (A1,0)
Decimal truncation and rounding=ROUNDDOWN (A1,0)=FLOOR (A1,1)=TRUNC (A1)
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Directly remove mantissa=int (57841/10) * 10
Mantissa rounding=round (57841/10,0) * 10
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The input number is listed in Column A,
Select column B, and then enter=INT (A1) in the edit bar,
Then, press CTRL+ENTER. Column B yields an integer.
Then, copy Column B, paste it as a value, and delete Column A.
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ZOL Q&A > How to deal with the values in excel tables that do not need to be rounded?


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