Did Pokemon get rock climbing???

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Did Pokemon get rock climbing???
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According to the settings in the Pokemon game, rock climbing is a special skill that can play a role in snow areas. Players can find and pick up this skill when exploring Road 217.
Rock climbing is a favorable skill, especially effective in snow environment. It can make it easier for characters to climb steep terrain and reduce energy consumption and time. Players can learn rock climbing skills to their characters as needed, so that they can use them when needed.
In addition to using rock climbing in a snow environment, you can also obtain this skill in other ways. For example, purchase corresponding training points in the game or use some props to activate this skill.
To sum up, players can find and pick up rock climbing skills when exploring the snow area of Road 217. This is a beneficial skill, especially effective in snow environments, but can also be acquired in other ways. I hope this information can help you!
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There are two master balls in the Pokemon white golden light:
1. The city where the Grass Department Taoist Temple is located. When you first arrive there, the plot will be activated. Xiaozhi will give you the uniform of the steam regiment. Don't go to the research institute at this time, go up, reach the place guarded by two soldiers (the city exit), put on the steam uniform and continue to go up. The first ground prop you encounter is the master ball.
2. In the steam base (above Yulong City), go to the left door and enter the room. There is one.

Serpentine bears are curious about everything. I often walk in a zigzag way, and sometimes I find something that is difficult to find.
The snake shaped bear like Galer is considered to be the original species of snake shaped bear. The reason why snake shaped bears in other regions behave like snakes is said to be due to the influence of the habits of the original species of snake shaped bear.
The snake shaped bear like Galer was born to go his own way, and could not be quiet for a moment. It is aggressive and aggressive. No matter whether the other party is a person or Baokemeng, it will bump into it and cause trouble.
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Rock climbing can only be learned after evolution
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