What to do if I forget the wifi password of Xiaomi printer

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What to do if I forget the wifi password of Xiaomi printer
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If you forget the password of the Xiaomi printer, you can try to reset the password to restore the factory settings. Here is a simple step guide:
1. First, make sure that the millet printer is properly connected to the power supply and there is no paper or other objects blocking it.
2. Make sure that the Xiaomi printer is turned off, then press and hold the "Reset" button on the remote control for about 10 seconds.
3. In about 30 seconds, the Xiaomi printer will restart and enter the initial setting interface.
4. In the initial setting interface, follow the screen prompts. Normally, you need to enter a new password and confirm it.
5. Enter a strong and easy to remember new password. It is recommended to use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters, and ensure that it is set to a complex level to improve security.
6. Confirm the new password you entered and follow the screen prompts to complete the entire process.
Please note that you must back up important data before performing this operation. After reset, all data stored in the Xiaomi printer will be cleared, and you will lose access to any saved content (such as settings, configurations, etc.).
If you still encounter problems or cannot successfully reset your password, please try to contact the customer support team of Xiaomi Printer for help. They will be able to provide more detailed guidance and solutions.
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Does the subject want to ask "Where is the 8 digits of the initial wifi password of the Xiaomi printer?"? On the label on the back of the device. According to the query on the official website of Xiaomi printer, the initial WiFi password of Xiaomi printer is 8 digits randomly generated. When using the device for the first time, you can find the password on the label on the back of the device. Xiaomi printer is a smart printing device launched by Xiaomi Company. It has wireless connection function and can be used with smart phones, tablets or other smart devices to achieve convenient printing tasks. The design of Xiaomi printer focuses on simplicity, ease of use and intelligence, which is suitable for home, office or small enterprises.
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What do you use to print? The printer has no password
Does your printing software need a password?
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