Why let Win 7 System Resource Manager automatically expand the folder

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Why let Win 7 System Resource Manager automatically expand the folder
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Step 1: Start the Explorer (it is recommended that users use the Windows key+E shortcut key on the keyboard to enter)

Step 2: Click the "Organization" option in the upper left corner of Windows, and select "Folder and Search Options"

Step 3: Check the "Show all folders" and "Automatically expand to the current folder" options, and click "OK". After the above settings are completed, the Explorer will list the folders in a new way, without the need for users to expand manually. Similarly, when you open a folder directly from the desktop, the folder directory of the Explorer will also expand accordingly.
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The corresponding entry was found in the registry at the following location: hkey_userss-1-5-21-3185218813-812416551-593507322-1001softwareclasssclsid {0e270daa-1be6-48f2-ac49-f7a03eb7d1cf}
The corresponding key is system. ispinnedtonamespacetree. The default value of this key is 1, that is, "creative cloud file" is displayed in the navigation pane of File Explorer. If you don't want to see it, just change its key value to 0. The modification takes effect immediately without restarting the File Explorer or the computer.
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The difference between the two is:

Expand the file, so far.
Expand the folder and continue to expand.

In addition, you can also set different viewing modes on the toolbar, so that you can see more information about files or folders.

In particular, it is more convenient to view files in Windows 8.1 operating system.

Reference: Windows 8.1 Folder View Menu http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/fec4bce2796d07f2618d8bee.html
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Expanding just opens the file list, but opening opens the folder
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