How to make the first row of excel table always display?

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How to make the first row of excel table always display?
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To keep the first row of an Excel table displayed, you can use the Freeze command. The specific steps are as follows:
1. Open the target Excel file and locate the table area to be set.
2. Select the cell in the first column of the second row in the table, and click the "View" option in the menu bar.
3. On the "View" page, click the "Freeze Window" option.
4. In the pop-up drop-down menu, select Freeze Split Window.
5. After completing the above settings, you can ensure that the first row of the Excel table is always displayed.
By performing the above steps, you can easily make the first row of the Excel table always display. This will help improve work efficiency and reading experience. I hope it is helpful to you!
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Adjust the following width, or set the cell format to align. In the text control, check the box to reduce font filling
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The formula in advanced filtering does not support functions. The AND you enter is an excel function. Therefore, the date can only be written in two columns. There is no choice, if you use version advanced filtering.
How can I prove that it does not support functions?
Input right=2010-1-1 can be filtered normally, but input=DATEVALUE ("2010-1-1") cannot
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You can manually adjust the column width, move the mouse to the column head (the top), and drag to manually adjust
Click Start - Cell - Format - Row Height/Column Width
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ZOL Q&A > How to make the first row of excel table always display?


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