After inserting multiple pictures in WORD, how to deal with the overlapping of the first source page?

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After inserting multiple pictures in WORD, how to deal with the overlapping of the first source page?
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How to do it? It shows the effect of 3 pages. If you want to insert 3 images, they all overlap on the first page. For example, if you insert 3 JPG images without satisfactory answers, you can select "embedded" as the embedded image in advance View All

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The operation steps are as follows. Take Word 2007 as an example:
1. Open Word 2007 and click the "New" command under the "File" menu to create a new document.
2. Find and click the "File" menu at the top of the document interface, and select "Options".
3. In the pop-up dialog box, click the "Advanced" tab.
4. In the Advanced tab, find the "Edit Tab" button and click it.
5. In the Edit tab, there is a "Cut, Copy and Paste" section under "Edit". In this section, select Embedded to insert a picture.
Note: The above steps are applicable to Word 2007. Please adjust according to the actual use.
Supplementary notes:
-If other versions of Word software are used, please refer to the operation methods provided by the corresponding software version.
-Before inserting pictures, make sure that you have saved the pictures you want and that they are associated with the document content.
-After inserting a picture, you should adjust the layout and format according to specific needs.
-If you encounter problems or need more detailed help, please consult the relevant technical support personnel or consult the Word document help document.
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Select all pictures, change line spacing, 1.5 times
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Look at your file, options
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ZOL Q&A > After inserting multiple pictures in WORD, how to deal with the overlapping of the first source page?


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