The newly installed win7 always pops up parental monitoring when playing games. How to deal with it?

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The newly installed win7 always pops up parental monitoring when playing games. How to deal with it?
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To improve system security, it is recommended that users set User Account Control (UAC) to a lower level. By setting the UAC to the lowest level, you can allow users to operate more directly when installing, changing, or uninstalling programs, without having to confirm whether each operation is an administrator right. However, this also means that the risk of administrator privileges being abused increases.
To set the UAC to the lowest level, follow the steps below:
1. Open the control panel.
2. Find and open the "User Account" option in the control panel.
3. On the "User Account" page, click the "Change" button.
4. On the next page, select the "Create a new user account" link.
5. In the pop-up window, select "Custom" account type and click "OK".
6. The system will ask you to enter the administrator password. After entering the password, please click "OK".
Please note that after UAC is set to the lowest level, please use administrator permissions carefully and ensure that only the programs and folders that need access permissions are authorized.
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Remove the parental monitoring in the user center
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Can I access the intranet? It may be that the port mapping is not set well. Check again
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Click the mouse button on the icon of the game you want to run. Property. compatibility. Check if you want to run as an administrator. I won't prompt you next time. thank you. Give points. Support originality
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ZOL Q&A > keyboard > Other classifications > The newly installed win7 always pops up parental monitoring when playing games. How to deal with it?

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