After entering the di measurement command in CAD, the command line is blank and the length is not displayed. How to recover? Please consult Great Xia!

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After entering the di measurement command in CAD, the command line is blank and the length is not displayed. How to recover? Please consult Great Xia!
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According to your description, we can solve this problem by adjusting the width of the command line. First, in CAD software, you need to enter the setting options and find the "Display" or "Graphics" menu. In this menu, you should be able to find a setting item related to the width of the command line.
Next, make sure that the command line width is set to a value that suits your needs. Typically, the standard width is 100 pixels. If the command line is too narrow to display the length, try increasing the width to 150, 200, or higher for better results.
In addition, there are other factors that may cause the command line to not display the length correctly. Please ensure that you use the correct measurement unit and that there is no misoperation or wrong command input. If the problem still exists, please provide more details so that we can give a more accurate solution.
I hope the above content will help you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to consult me.
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ZOL Q&A > After entering the di measurement command in CAD, the command line is blank and the length is not displayed. How to recover? Please consult Great Xia!


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