How can Excel automatically average row height and column width?

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How can Excel automatically average row height and column width?
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The row height and column width can be set as follows:
1、 Row height setting method:
1. Select the area where row height needs to be set;
2. Right click and select Row Height in the pop-up menu;

3. After the dialog box pops up, enter the required value in the input box.

2、 Column width setting method:
1. Select the area to set column width
2. Right click and select Column Width in the pop-up menu

3. After the dialog box pops up, enter the required value in the input box.

Note: The above operations are applicable to Excel software, and the specific interface may vary depending on the version.
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In this way, you can also come here. Generally, these departments can cooperate with the corresponding data settings. It is simple.
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When using Excel 2010, do you often write out of line? Or, the cell height is not enough, and our text font size is too large to display? Want to solve this problem? Today, let's follow Xiao Bian to learn how Excel 2010 can automatically adjust the row height and column width of cells!
Method 1
1. Open a worksheet with Excel 2013, select the cell whose column width we want to adjust, switch to the Home tab, and select the Auto Adjust Column Width option under Format in the Cell group.
2. Back to the worksheet, we can see that the column width of the previously selected cell has been automatically adjusted. The effect is as follows:
Method 2
Use Excel 2013 to open a worksheet, select the cell where we need to adjust the column width, move the mouse to the upper right corner of this column in the order of flower depth at the end, and double-click the mouse when the pointer changes to the following status. This method can also make the column width automatically adjusted to get the same effect as the above figure.
E Xiangpu Excel 2010

Tip: Both of the above two methods are applicable to automatically adjusting the row height of cells. You can choose one method to automatically adjust cells according to your personal habits.
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Select an existing data row, double-click the format brush, and use the mouse with the brush to brush over the row flag that needs to be set to the same height as the original data row. The method of brushing column width is the same!
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ZOL Q&A > How can Excel automatically average row height and column width?


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