How to hide the game process running on the taskbar

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How to hide the game process running on the taskbar
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Only one software I used, the stealth expert. It hid all six game windows in the background, and three of them were plug-in, which did not affect the game speed and would not be hung up. You can try it.
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You can try the following methods: Start from scratch - Run. Type regedit to open the registry, expand to HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer TrayNotify, and delete the values of IconStreams and PastIconsStream in the right pane. Then press DEL+ALT+CTRL at the same time, or right-click the taskbar/task manager to open the task manager, and select End EXPLORER process in the process tag. Then, click the application tag of the task manager, click the New Task button, enter EXPLORER in the dialog box that comes out, and click OK. The above is the method to clear custom notifications. I suggest you use the above method to clear custom notifications, and then reset your options (always displayed or something). Restart to see if it is useful.
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Right click/attribute/auto hide task bar, or create shortcut key
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The process cannot be hidden, only the taskbar can be hidden
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Right click on the taskbar - Properties - Auto hide taskbar - Select. The mouse will become a drag shape when you click the top edge of the taskbar, and you can pull it down. (But it has to be pulled up when it is used)
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ZOL Q&A > keyboard > Other classifications > How to hide the game process running on the taskbar

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