How to remove the words ps from the photo?

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How to remove the words ps from the photo?
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In dealing with digital problems, one of the most common methods is to use image processing software to process photos. For word processing, you can consider using layer blending mode to hide or erase text.
First, open the photo to be processed and create a new layer. Next, select the appropriate brush tool (such as eraser or pen tool) and transparency setting, and use the appropriate force and pressure to erase or hide the text.
In addition, in some cases, you can also consider using some advanced techniques to achieve more detailed and accurate editing effects. For example, in Photoshop, you can use the Magic Wand Tool to automatically select areas of similar colors, and then use the Eraser Tool to erase them.
In a word, when dealing with digital problems, it is necessary to choose appropriate methods according to the specific situation, and pay attention to keeping the original file backup to prevent accidental loss.
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1. Either delete that piece
2. Grind slowly with stamp tool
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I was not the same as them when I met this problem
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