Comparison of data in different columns of two different EXCEL files

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Comparison of data in different columns of two different EXCEL files
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According to the text provided, you can rewrite it as follows:
To compare different column data in two different Excel files, use the following formula:
=IF(OR(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(B1,Sheet2!$C$1:$C$22,1,1)),ISERROR(VLOOKUP(B1,Sheet2!$D$1:$D$22,1,1))),0,VLOOKUP(B1, Sheet2!$C$1:$C$22,1,1))=B1,1,0)
=If (or (iserror formula), what you want to display, formula)=detection cell, 1,0)
=If or (isna, what you want to display, formula)=detection cell, 1,0)
Multiple inspection conditions and logical operators are used here to compare data in different columns in two Excel files. First, we use the 'iserror' function or 'isna' function to determine whether an error has occurred. If an error has occurred, 0 is returned; Otherwise, we use the 'vlookup' function to find the data to match and compare it with the specified value. The final result returns 1 indicating that the match was successful, and 0 indicating that the match failed.
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Assuming that the data in Table 1 and Table 2 start from the second row, we compare the data in Table 1, and put the comparison results in the cell of Column C. If the data corresponding to Column A and Column B in Table 1 and Table 2 are the same, "Same" will be displayed in the cell of Column C in the same row. Otherwise, the value corresponding to Column B in Table 2 will be displayed. If the value corresponding to Column A in Table 2 is not found correctly, The display is empty.
Enter in the C2 cell of Table 1:
=If (iserror (vlookup (A2, Table 2! A: B, 2,0)),, if (vlookup (A2, Table 2! A: B, 2,0)=B2, the same, vlookup (A2, Table 2! A:B,2,0)))
Then drop down the formula in column C.
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=IF ((A1=C1) * (B1=D1), satisfied,)
Pull down to
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Recommend a software
Very useful comparison software
I usually copy the content to be compared in Excel to Notepad, and then compare the two Notepads. The differences can be seen at a glance
Can be downloaded online
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Recommend a software
beyond compare2
Very useful comparison software
I usually copy the content to be compared in Excel to Notepad, and then compare the two Notepads. The differences can be seen at a glance
Can be downloaded online
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ZOL Q&A > Comparison of data in different columns of two different EXCEL files


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