Can WeChat icons be displayed on the top left corner of Huawei's p30 mobile phone page?

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Can WeChat icons be displayed on the top left corner of Huawei's p30 mobile phone page?
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WeChat icons can be displayed in the upper left corner of Huawei P30 mobile phone page in the following ways:
1. Adjust the icon position: enter the system settings of the mobile phone, find the WeChat application in the application management, select "Display", and move the WeChat icon to the appropriate position in the upper left corner.
2. Using third-party software: You can search and download some third-party system beautification tools in the app store, through which you can adjust the position of the WeChat icon in the upper left corner.
3. Restart the phone: Sometimes the problem may be caused by a temporary software failure. You can try restarting the phone to solve the problem.
4. Clear cache data: enter WeChat application, select "General" in settings, click "Clear cache", and restart WeChat.
I hope the above methods can help you solve the problem. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask me.
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The way to display the WeChat icon in the upper left corner of the Huawei P30 mobile phone page is: enter the mobile phone settings, find the application management, find the WeChat application, find the display icon column in the application permission settings, and open it to display the WeChat icon in the upper left corner.
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The WeChat icon appears in the upper left corner of the mobile phone page, usually due to system settings. If you want the WeChat icon to appear in the upper left corner, you can enter the mobile phone's settings center, find the WeChat application in the application management or application information, and then select Add to Desktop, so that the WeChat icon can appear in the upper left corner.
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The WeChat icon appears in the upper left corner of the phone page, indicating that the phone may have a third-party WeChat icon package installed. These icon packages usually need to be downloaded and installed through the app store or related websites, and then set in the phone settings. However, it should be noted that these third-party icon packages may pose security risks. It is recommended to select carefully and download and install them. If you want to use WeChat's native icon normally, you can try to clear WeChat cache and data, and restart the phone.
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The WeChat icon cannot be displayed in the upper left corner of the Huawei P30 mobile phone page, which may be caused by the following reasons: 1. The WeChat installation is incomplete; 2. The WeChat version is too low; 3. The system version is too low. The solution is as follows:
1. Download and install WeChat again, and ensure that the installation is complete;
2. Update WeChat to the latest version to avoid system compatibility problems;
3. Check whether the mobile phone system needs to be upgraded, and upgrade in time to ensure the normal operation of the software. If the above methods still fail to solve the problem, please contact WeChat official customer service or Huawei after-sales service center for help.
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How to display the WeChat icon on the top left corner of Huawei P30 mobile phone page:
1. Open the setting application of Huawei P30 mobile phone and find the "System" option.
2. In the "System" option, find and click "Display".
3. On the "Display" setting page, find the "Status Bar and Notification" option.
4. Click to enter the "Status Bar and Notification" setting page, and find the "Notification Management" option.
5. After entering the "Notification Management" setting page, find the WeChat application setting options.
6. In the setting options of WeChat application, select the icon type to be displayed in the upper left corner and make corresponding adjustments.
7. After the adjustment is completed, restart the Huawei P30 mobile phone to take effect.
The above is the way to display the WeChat icon on the top left corner of Huawei P30 mobile phone page. I hope it can help you.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > Can WeChat icons be displayed on the top left corner of Huawei's p30 mobile phone page?


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