Hello, my OPPOReno5 mobile phone has changed its screen. Why can't I use the fingerprint?

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Hello, my OPPOReno5 mobile phone has changed its screen. Why can't I use the fingerprint?
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The fingerprint recognition failure after your phone changes the screen may be due to the compatibility problem between the fingerprint sensor module and the new screen. This situation usually requires reconfiguration of the fingerprint sensor to restore normal use.
First, you can try to reset the fingerprint sensor. Find "Security and privacy" or similar options in the phone settings, and then select "Fingerprint and password". Here, you can delete existing fingerprints and add them again. Please note that before re adding, please ensure that your fingers are clean and that each time you add a new one, you complete it in the correct way.
If resetting the fingerprint still fails to solve the problem, you may need to contact the after-sales service center or professional maintenance personnel for further diagnosis and repair. They will be able to check and replace the fingerprint sensor module and ensure that it is fully compatible with the new screen.
In addition, please note that it is best to back up all data before replacing the screen to prevent accidental data loss. Finally, please remember that before any hardware operation, please read and follow the user manual of the relevant equipment and the guide provided by the manufacturer.
I hope the above suggestions will help you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask me.
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It depends on whether it is the fingerprint under the screen. If it is not the original screen, it certainly does not have this function. If it is the fingerprint of the back cover, most of the cables are damaged when the machine is disassembled.
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The problem you described may be caused by the incompatibility between the fingerprint identification module and the new screen. This situation usually needs to be solved by replacing a compatible fingerprint identification module. It is recommended that you contact the original factory or a professional for maintenance to ensure correct operation and avoid further damage to the equipment. At the same time, when replacing the screen, pay attention to selecting products that are fully compatible with the original equipment to ensure the normal operation of the system.
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This may be because the fingerprint module is not properly installed or connected when replacing the screen. It is recommended that you contact after-sales or professional technicians for inspection and repair. They will test the fingerprint module and find out the problem, and then take appropriate measures to solve it. Please make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions after replacing the screen to ensure the normal operation of the equipment. If the problem still exists, please contact the manufacturer or after-sales service for further support and assistance.
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The fingerprint sensor may be damaged. Sometimes the fingerprint sensor is accidentally damaged when the phone screen is replaced. In this case, it is usually necessary to reset the fingerprint unlocking function.
If the fingerprint cannot be used after resetting and unlocking, it may be caused by a software problem. You can try to solve the problem by restarting the phone or updating the software.
If the above methods do not work, it is recommended that you contact after-sales or professional maintenance personnel to check and repair the fingerprint sensor. They will understand the specific situation more clearly and give corresponding solutions.
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The fingerprint sensor may not be installed correctly when you change the screen. The fingerprint sensor is connected to the mobile phone motherboard. If it is not correctly connected or the connector is damaged during installation, the fingerprint will not be recognized.
In addition, if your mobile phone system is abnormal, it may also affect the fingerprint recognition function. It is recommended that you try to restart the phone or restore the factory settings to solve the problem.
If the above methods are invalid, it is recommended that you contact after-sales service personnel for inspection and maintenance. They will deal with this problem more professionally and can provide corresponding solutions.
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Fingerprint identification is usually not related to screen replacement. If you find that fingerprint identification cannot be used after changing the screen, it may be due to one of the following reasons:
1. Hardware failure: Sometimes, fingerprint sensor or related circuit may fail. In this case, it is usually necessary to repair or replace the entire fingerprint sensor module.
2. Software problems: Sometimes, fingerprint recognition function may be affected by system software. Try restarting the phone or updating the software to solve the problem.
3. Dry fingers: If your fingers are dry or dirty, it may also lead to the inability to scan fingerprints correctly. Be sure to clean and wet your fingers before using fingerprint identification.
If the above methods do not solve the problem, it is recommended to contact OPPO official customer service or go to the after-sales service center for further help. They will diagnose the problem more specifically and provide corresponding solutions.
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Sorry to hear that you have encountered the problem that fingerprint identification cannot be used. Fingerprint recognition is a common biometric technology, which is usually used in mobile phones, computers and other devices. When fingerprints cannot be used, there are several possible reasons.
First, you may find that the fingerprint identification module has also been replaced after the screen has been replaced. This is very common. During screen replacement, the new screen and fingerprint module may not be compatible, resulting in failure to work properly. At this time, you can try to reset or update the system to solve the problem.
Secondly, if the new screen is compatible with the fingerprint module but still cannot be used, the problem may lie in other hardware. For example, whether the connection lines, sensors and other components are damaged or loose may also cause the fingerprint to fail to work properly. In this case, it is recommended that you send your mobile phone to a professional maintenance center for inspection and repair.
Finally, make sure you are using the correct fingerprint to unlock the device. Sometimes we may accidentally enter the wrong fingerprint information, which will lead to unrecognizability.
I hope it is helpful to you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask me.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > Hello, my OPPOReno5 mobile phone has changed its screen. Why can't I use the fingerprint?


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