It is invalid for wps to delete infinite blank columns

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It is invalid for wps to delete infinite blank columns
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Brand and model: Dell Lingyue 14-4000
System: Windows 10
Software version: wps2019 Graphic steps:
1. First open the WPS software program.

2. Find the document you want to delete the blank column and open it.

3. Click the first line to be deleted.

4. Press and hold Ctrl, Shift and Down key on the keyboard at the same time to select all the lines below this line.

5. After selecting, click the right mouse button and select the "Delete" option in the pop-up menu to solve the problem of deleting endless blank lines.

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Do you want to delete all blank lines outside your table? If this is the case, you can't do it. You can only type a formula into the blank box to make a table, and the remaining blank lines cannot be deleted (the system will automatically supplement the number of lines you delete). That is to say, the total number of lines in a table is fixed (65536 records in Excel 2003, 100000 records in 2007 and above)
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