How to set fast boot in XP system

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How to set fast boot in XP system
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How to set fast boot in Registry Editor

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The following methods can be used to speed up startup. 1. BIOS optimization settings On the home page of BIOS settings, we enter the "Advanced BIOS Features" option, move the cursor to the "Frist Boot Device" option, and press "PageUP" and "PageDOWN" to select Enabled. The settings in the "Advanced Chipset Features" item have a great impact on the acceleration of the machine. If it is unstable, it can be changed back to "Fast". For memory modules with good memory quality, it is recommended to set "2" in the "SDRAM CA360 Q&A S Latency" option to speed up. Newer mainboards all support AGP4X. If your graphics card also supports AGP4X, speed up the system startup. 2、 Start the DMA mode, and use UDMA/33, 66 to improve the hard disk speed, so we must turn it on. The method of Yixianzudi Food Bar level Kaiye Baiti is: open the "Control Panel → System → Device Manager" window, expand "Close all dialog boxes, and restart the computer. 3. Remove the startup sign of Windows. First, open" Start "→" Settings "→" Folder Options ", and the startup time can also be shortened by 3 seconds from the" Look up ". 4、 Optimize the Startup group. Computer beginners like to try out various software, and delete it after a short time. In this way, the startup time can be shortened by at least 10 seconds. 5、 Organize and optimize the registry. After Windows is started, click "Clear" from the supervisor's car after backup. 6、 Maintain the system regularly. If there are too many games, too many English applications and too many old materials installed in the system, it can really speed up the startup sequence of Windows. 7、 Expand the virtual memory capacity. If your hard disk is large enough, please open the "System" in the "Control Panel" to play a better role. VIII. Remove the "Wallpaper", "Screen Saver" and other fancy settings. These settings take up system resources. You can set Wallpaper and Screen Saver to None. 9、 Delete Autoexec.bat and Config.sys. Autoexec.bat in the root directory of the system installation disk and the C port can be safely deleted by compiling the anti evidence help message config. This can speed up the startup of Windows. 10、 Streamline *. ini files, especially System.ini and Win.ini. The [boot] and [386Enh] of system.ini will start much faster. 11、 Turn off ScanDisk. Open msdos.sys with a text editor, and you will see the following: [Options] bootmuti=1 bootgui=1 autoscan=1 If you do not want to run the ScanDisk program after an abnormal shutdown, because the standby disk of the scan block is not running). 12、 Let the guidance information stay for the shortest time. Open msdos.sys with a text editor and set BootDelay in [Options] to 0. 13、 Reduce unnecessary font files. Font files take up a lot of system resources, boot slowly, and take up a lot of hard disk space. Take it out when not in use. 14、 Delete redundant Dll files. In order not to occupy hard disk space and improve startup speed, you can delete it completely. 15、 The method of "studying the Haiyue in other ways". If system suspension is used, but not all motherboard BIOS supports it, it is also a little troublesome to set up. If you open the registry and expand it to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, you can determine that the Dll file has no program share, and you can delete it. If the computer startup speed is still not fast enough after following the above methods, except for upgrading the hardware (which can significantly speed up the computer startup
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Right click the folder to create a shortcut, and then pull that shortcut to the desktop
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It is estimated that there is a problem with the hardware. Please find a professional to solve it
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ZOL Q&A > Internet behavior management > system > Phone power on > How to set fast boot in XP system

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