Why is the price difference between Taobao Apple and JD so big?

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Why is the price difference between Taobao Apple and JD so big?
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Different sellers have different prices
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Some prices of the same things are slightly higher in JD. After all, there are many customer service personnel in JD. It requires 6000 yuan of annual service fee and 30000 yuan of deposit to stay in the mall. In addition, JD's self operated delivery service is much better than Taobao.
There are too many unorthodox shops on Taobao. They can't drag them out. If they can't drag them out, they can solve the problem. There are too many fake phones, refurbished phones, second mobile phones, etc. It's not easy to buy a new one. It's very difficult to solve problems.
This is also the reason why JD is very popular now. Although some of its items are not as diverse as Taobao, the service is good and the quality is guaranteed. Buy electronic products or choose JD, at least rest assured. If you want to buy something worthless, you can consider Taobao.
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