How about adding favorite web pages with Apple computer

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How about adding favorite web pages with Apple computer
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The steps to add a web favorite using Safari browser on Apple are as follows:

1. Open Safari browser, enter the web address you want to favorite, and click Open.

2. Find the option button in the upper right corner, and select Add to Bookmark in the pop-up drop-down menu.

3. Select the location and name to add from the pop-up options, and click the "Add" button to complete the addition.

4. After adding, find the button as shown in the figure in the upper left corner of the browser and click it. This button is usually displayed as a bookmark or a favorite icon.

5. In personal favorites, you can see the page just added.
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First, put your favorite back to the original place, collect it twice to see if you can collect it. If not, check the data of your favorite. You'd better use 360 security guards to repair IE, which is good, and then see if you can collect it
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1. After we open the browser, we open the page to be favorite, which means that we are on the page to be favorite! Let me take Baidu as an example.

2. In the toolbar of the webpage, we can find the option of [Bookmark]. Then click it

3. Then click the [Add Bookmark] button in the bookmark menu. This button can save your current page

4. After setting the location and name of the page to be added, click [Add], and then we will successfully save the page!

5. However, if you are not sure that the web page is really a favorite, then: move the mouse to the top left of the web page, find an icon that looks like a glasses, and then click the icon next to it that looks like an open book. Why do I say next to glasses? Because that book is really not like a book!

6. After clicking Open, we click [Bookmark Bar]. By default, the [History] is displayed for us, so we need to click the [Bookmark Bar] position.

7. However, there are bookmarks in the bookmarks list in the bookmarks bar, which will show the bookmarks we have collected before. Some things are the bookmarks you have collected by default. Right click the corresponding website --- Delete. To delete unwanted favorite websites.
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