Why scan the software in the computer? My computer has been reinstalled. There are still some on the hard disk, but they are all in folders.

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Why scan the software in the computer? My computer has been reinstalled. There are still some on the hard disk, but they are all in folders.
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Hello, you need to know what the folder is. The system reinstalls the software installed in the original system on the hard disk. Some of the software can be used in the new system (if you do not install additional files in the system folder, you can find the program files in the software folder and open them normally), and some of the software cannot be used and must be reinstalled (if you install related files in the system folder).
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The software installation is in the folder, and you can delete it without any need.
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Try 360 first-aid kit, which is available in 360 security guards. Enter the safe mode and use the 360 system first-aid kit to scan the whole area. Restart the computer after checking and killing. Then open the 360 system first aid kit and repair it.
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > other > Why scan the software in the computer? My computer has been reinstalled. There are still some on the hard disk, but they are all in folders.


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