How to paste the contents of excel copied cell tables into pictures and text

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How to paste the contents of excel copied cell tables into pictures and text
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Double click the cell to be copied with the mouse, and then copy the content inside and paste it, so that the copied text becomes text.

Microsoft Excel is one of the components of Microsoft Office, an office software of Microsoft Corporation. It is a trial balance software written and run by Microsoft for computers with Windows and Apple Macintosh operating systems. Excel is an important part of Microsoft Office, which can process various data, conduct statistical analysis and assist decision-making operations, and is widely used in management, statistical finance, finance and many other fields.
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You want to copy the text, right!! Select the text you want to copy, right click it, click Paste Special, and select Paste Text.
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When pasting cell content copied from excel, some software will treat it as a picture, such as buckle
Solution: first paste the cell content copied from excel into the text file, and then copy and paste from the text file into your target
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