How to use the ping command of the Android system?

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How to use the ping command of the Android system?
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In the Android system, the PING command can be used to test the stability and speed of the network connection. The specific operation steps are as follows:
1. Open the phone's setting interface, and find the "Network" option in "System" or "Advanced Settings".
2. After entering the "Network" option, enter "PING" in the search box and start the search.
3. Click the "PING" application displayed in the search results to enter the setting interface of the application.
4. In the setting interface, you can see some basic parameters and options. Among them, "target host" refers to the IP address or domain name to be tested, "delay" refers to the time required to send data packets to the target host, "loss rate" refers to the loss situation when receiving data packets, and "packet size" refers to the size of sending and receiving data packets.
5. After setting these parameters, click the Start button to start the PING operation. The system will automatically send data packets to the designated host and monitor the returned results.
6. After the PING operation is completed, the system will display a report page to display the test results. The report page will display the delay time, loss rate, packet size and other information, and give the corresponding evaluation results.
Note: Since the Android system cannot directly use the PING command, it needs a third-party application to implement this function. When using the PING command, ensure that the network connection is normal and enter the correct IP address or domain name to obtain accurate results.
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The following steps are used for the Android ping command:
First, let's take a look at Jane Hao's single function PING. The software name is PING, which can be downloaded online or in the APP market. After installation, open the software, and ping Baidu's website for testing by default. Click: "123 GO!". We can see the return value to prove that it is OK for your mobile phone to access the Internet.
Then ping the IP address Delete the Baidu address, enter and click "123 GO!".
It shows that 0 bytes arrive and 100% packets are lost. It proves that the network is not available. Here we can ping on another mobile phone to see if there is a problem
Click the function button of the phone to activate the settings, and click "Number of pings per time".
Here, you can set the number of pings in the range of 1-99. The default number of times is 3.
The other software is FPing. The download and installation method is the same as PING. After opening the software, you can ping by entering the IP address or domain name.
Similarly, enter and click "Ping" to view the Ping result.
At the same time, the software provides a PING list. You can add the IP address or domain name that often needs to be PING to the list. Next time, you can directly select PING without entering again.
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The PING command of Android system can be used by some third-party applications. Among them, network speed measurement software and network diagnosis tools all support the use of PING command. In these applications, the user can send the PING command by entering the target IP address or domain name, and obtain index data such as the return time, the number of lost packets, and the delay, so as to evaluate the quality of the current network environment. At the same time, in the Android system environment, you can also access a specific website through the mobile browser and enter "/ping/" plus the target address to send the PING command.
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In Android, the PING command can be used to test network connectivity. You can use the PING command through the following steps:
1. Open any text editor or terminal.
2. Enter the "ping" command in the editor or terminal, followed by the target IP address or domain name.
3. Then press Enter to start sending packets.
4. The system will send the ICMP Echo Request message in the ICMP protocol to the specified IP address or domain name, and wait for the other party to reply to an ICMP Echo Reply message.
5. If the other party successfully replies to a message, you will see an output line containing the response time of the other party.
Note: When using the PING command, please ensure that you have administrator permissions and can only use the command under legal circumstances.
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In Android, the PING command is a tool used to test whether the network connection is normal. Check whether the target host can receive data packets normally by sending ICMP Echo Request message in ICMP protocol.
Using the PING command in Android is very simple. First, open a text editor or input interface in any application, enter "ping" in the search box and press Enter. Then, the system will pop up a dialog box to let you enter the IP address or host name of the target host, and specify parameters such as the packet size and delay time to be sent.
If you need to monitor the network connection status and real-time statistical information, you can use third-party tools such as "network speed measurement", "network diagnosis" and other software. These tools can provide richer functions and data statistics results.
In short, using the PING command in the Android system can easily test whether the network connection is normal, and can achieve more advanced functions through third-party tools.
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In Android, the PING command is used to test network connectivity and latency. It can help us determine whether a network connection is normal and the length of the delay time.
To use the PING command, first open the terminal simulator or text editor on the phone, then enter "ping [target IP address/domain name]" in the command line and press Enter.
Before sending data, an ICMP Echo Request will be sent first, and then the receiver will send an ICMP Echo Reply to confirm whether the data has arrived successfully. If the receiver successfully receives the data, the output result will contain a number and a symbol. The number represents the milliseconds of the round trip time from the sender to the target port, and the symbol represents the number of seconds since the first packet was sent.
In addition to sending and receiving data, you can also change P by setting parameters in the terminal simulator or text editor
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In Android, the PING command is a tool to test whether the network connection is normal. It can help us understand the response time, packet loss rate and other information of the target host.
To use the PING command, first open the terminal or command window. Then enter "ping" and the IP address or hostname of the target host.
For example, to test whether Baidu website is normal, you can enter the following command:
After executing this command, the system will send data packets to Baidu server and wait for a response. If the network connection is normal, an ICMP Echo Reply message will be returned, including a timestamp and a confirmation number.
When the reply message is received, relevant information will be displayed in the terminal or command window. This information includes: the number of sent packets, the number of received packets, the number of lost packets, the total number of bytes sent and received, and the average response time.
Note that when using the PING command, you need to ensure that the target host is online and the network is working properly. Otherwise, the test results may be inaccurate.
To sum up, the PING command is a convenient and quick way to test whether the network connection is normal, which is very useful when debugging network problems. However, attention should also be paid to the target host and network status to ensure accurate and reliable test results.
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