Entering boot menu stuck

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Entering boot menu stuck
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When the computer enters the boot menu and gets stuck, it may be caused by the following reasons:
1. Hardware failure: For example, the computer motherboard, graphics card or hard disk and other hardware devices have failed. In this case, relevant equipment needs to be replaced or repaired.
2. Driver problems: Some drivers may be incompatible with or conflict with the operating system, which may cause a stuck problem during startup. At this time, you can try to update or reinstall the relevant driver to solve the problem.
3. The startup option is set incorrectly: selecting the wrong startup option in the boot menu will also cause a stuck phenomenon. You need to carefully check the meaning of each option and ensure that the correct startup option is selected.
4. The system cleans too many junk files: If the system cleans too many junk files, the boot menu will also get stuck. You can use the built-in cleaning tools or third-party software to clean.
If the boot menu is stuck and cannot start normally, it is recommended to try the following methods first:
1. Check whether the hardware device works normally.
2. Update or reinstall relevant drivers.
3. Check whether the boot menu is set correctly.
4. Clean up the system garbage files.
If the above methods still cannot solve the problem, it is recommended to contact professional computer maintenance personnel for further maintenance and treatment.
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If you select one of the following items, you cannot access the system. If this happens, it is usually a problem with BIOS settings. Enter the Boot – Boot Mode option and change it to Both. Select Legacy as the following option UEFI/Legay Boot Priority - click F10 to select YES, save and exit.

Enter "msconfig" in [Run], open the system configuration utility, and you can see the visual operation window of boot. In the [General] option, you can set the startup mode of the computer at the next restart and the startup items to be loaded.
In the [Boot] tab, you can set the default boot system of the computer. If you install dual systems win7&win10, the common system is win7, but the default system for each boot is win10, then you can set win7 as the default boot system in boot.
The Tools tab displays the system's related setup programs. Double click the corresponding tool to quickly open it.
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When the computer enters the startup interface and gets stuck, it may be due to the following reasons:
1. System error: The system file is damaged or missing, which may cause the boot to jam. At this time, you can try to enter the safe mode and use the repair tool provided with the system to repair.
2. Software conflict: some software conflicts with the system or other software after installation, resulting in stuck boot. You can try uninstalling the recently installed software in safe mode to see if it solves the problem.
3. Hardware failure: If the computer overheats, memory problems or graphics card problems and other hardware failures may cause the boot to jam. At this time, it is necessary to check whether the hardware works normally and repair or replace it accordingly.
4. Malware: Some malware may load and block the system process when starting up, resulting in a stuck boot. Antivirus software can be used to conduct a full scan and remove any malware found.
If the above methods are invalid, it is recommended to contact professional technicians for further troubleshooting and solution.
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When your computer is stuck, it is usually because of a system crash or serious hardware problems. This situation is best solved by restarting. If the system is still stuck after multiple restarts, you need to enter the safe mode to check whether the system is normal.
In addition, when using the computer, we should also pay attention to timely cleaning garbage files, updating software, installing anti-virus software and other measures to ensure that the system is always in good running condition. In case of any problem, it is recommended to contact professional technicians in time to obtain more accurate solutions.
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First, when the computer gets stuck in the boot menu, it may be due to some problems with the operating system or hardware devices. Here are some possible solutions:
1. Check the operating system: Make sure that the operating system has been correctly installed and there are no errors. You can try restarting the computer or repairing the installation.
2. Check the hardware device: Sometimes the failure of the hardware device will cause the computer to jam. You can try to unplug some external devices, such as video cards, USB devices, and restart the computer.
3. Too high temperature: If the computer temperature is too high, it will also cause the computer to get stuck. Clean the dust inside the computer and ensure that the fan works properly.
4. BIOS setting problem: Sometimes the wrong BIOS setting will cause the computer to get stuck. You can try to enter the BIOS interface to adjust.
5. Restore the default settings: If the above methods do not solve the problem, you can try to restore the default settings of the operating system and hardware devices.
The above are some common solutions, but they cannot guarantee that they can solve all problems. In case of similar situations, please seek professional help as soon as possible to troubleshoot and restore the computer to normal operation.
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When the computer is stuck in the startup menu, it may be due to one of the following reasons:
1. System fault: The operating system is faulty or damaged, which causes it to fail to start normally. At this point, you can try reinstalling the operating system or using the repair tool to resolve the problem.
2. Equipment fault: the hardware equipment in the computer has faults, such as hard disk, motherboard, graphics card, etc. In this case, you can try to replace the equipment or contact professional technicians for maintenance.
3. Virus infection: There is malware or virus in the computer. It is recommended to use security software for comprehensive scanning and cleaning.
4. System setting error: Some configuration item setting errors will also cause the computer to fail to start normally. You can solve the problem by restoring the default settings.
If the computer is stuck when entering the startup menu, it is recommended to first troubleshoot the hardware and consider reinstalling the operating system. If the problem still exists, please seek the help of professional technicians to solve it.
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