Word sets the header line to repeat. The content is repeated, but when the border reaches the second page, there is no writing place. How to deal with it?

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Word sets the header line to repeat. The content is repeated, but when the border reaches the second page, there is no writing place. How to deal with it?
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Figure 1. Repeat Figure 2 for the title line. When you get to the back, there will be fewer borders Figure 1. Repeat Figure 2 for the title line. When you reach the back, the right side [picture] [picture] of the border is not expanded View All

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When inserting a long table in a Word document, if the repeating function of the header row is not used, the information may be unclear when reading the table. To solve this problem, you can set it as follows:
1. First, create a new table in the Word document and insert more than one page of content.
2. Next, set the header row information of the table at the top of the table.
3. After selecting the table header row, click "Table Tools" - "Layout" - "Repeat Header Row".
4. Alternatively, right click the header row of the table and select "Table Attribute" in the pop-up menu.
5. In the open window, switch to the "Line" tab, and check the option "Repeat as a header line at the top of each page".
6. Click OK to display the same header row on all pages of the table.
Through one of the above two methods, readers can clearly understand the meaning of each column of data when browsing the entire document. At the same time, it is also convenient for us to view and analyze data in practical applications.
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Today, I would like to introduce a specific solution for setting duplicate header lines in Word documents without displaying header lines.
1. As shown in the figure, open the Word document you want to edit on the computer, enter the main page, position the mouse cursor on the first line of the table, and click the layout option above.

2. Under the layout option opened below, find the option of repeating the title line on the right, and click, as shown in the figure, no title appears.

3. Next, under Layout Options, click the attribute option on the left.

4. In the pop-up window, click the table option at the top, then surround the text at the bottom, set it to None, and click OK at the bottom.

5. Finally, click the repeating title line on the right again to display the title.
The above is the specific solution for setting duplicate header lines without displaying header lines in Word documents.
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This requirement cannot be realized. You can only manually set the header row of each page without repeating the header row.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > Word sets the header line to repeat. The content is repeated, but when the border reaches the second page, there is no writing place. How to deal with it?


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