CAD will return to the previous step by pressing ESC. For example, if you draw a line, the ESC line will disappear after you click it! Find the correct solution! I have reinstalled it several times

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CAD will return to the previous step by pressing ESC. For example, if you draw a line, the ESC line will disappear after you click it! Find the correct solution! I have reinstalled it several times
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According to your description, I think you may encounter a common problem: when using CAD software, the line segment is cancelled unexpectedly. This usually happens when the command is not saved or exited correctly.
To solve this problem, you can try the following steps:
1. Save the current work: Before starting to draw line segments, make sure you have saved the current work and exit any unfinished commands. This will ensure that data is not lost even if an unexpected cancellation occurs.
2. Check the toolbar and menu options: Make sure you use the correct toolbar and menu options during the operation. Some software may have special functions or shortcut keys to implement the "Cancel" function.
3. Check the status bar and message prompt: Most CAD software will provide a status bar or message prompt to inform the user whether the current operation is successfully completed, and display error information. Note that check the status bar and the message prompt bar for any related warning or error messages.
4. Restart the software: If none of the above methods can solve the problem, you can try to restart the CAD software. This will clear any temporary files and settings and reinitialize the software environment.
I hope the above suggestions are helpful to you. If you have other problems or need further solutions, please feel free to contact me.
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I also have this problem. The mouse was originally a cross. For example, when you select an object to pan, the mouse becomes a triangle after moving it. It is useless to press any key. It is only useful to press Esc. When you press Esc, you return.
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Pressing ESC does not return to the previous step, but ends the current command. There are often multiple steps in the process of executing a command. The operation to return to the previous step in the same command is Ctrl+Z. The picture you drew is missing, which has nothing to do with whether you press ESC key. It should be a mistake in operation, or the mouse, keyboard, etc. are out of order. Follow up: I have a problem with my keyboard and mouse!
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ZOL Q&A > Intelligent Watch > Other classifications > CAD will return to the previous step by pressing ESC. For example, if you draw a line, the ESC line will disappear after you click it! Find the correct solution! I have reinstalled it several times


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