How to delete the usage time of mobile phone software?

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How to delete the usage time of mobile phone software?
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If the usage time of mobile phone software cannot be deleted, you can try to set the software to not monitor the usage time. This method can effectively solve the problem.
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Delete time? Specific instructions
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The details are as follows:
1. Step 1: Open the phone and find the settings icon on the desktop, and click to enter.

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2. Step 2, click the screen usage time option under the setting page.

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3. Step 3: After entering the screen usage time page, you can see the currently used time, and click the deactivation time option below.

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4. Step 4: On the deactivation time page, you can see that the current deactivation time function is closed.

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5. Step 5: Click the switch on the right side to turn it on, and you can see the set usage duration at the bottom. The default value is 22 to 7.

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6. Step 6: click the Start and End options below to modify the daily usage time, as shown in the following figure.

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Please click to enter a picture description
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1. Find the settings of mobile phone gear shape and click 2113 to open, and click [More 5261 settings] on the setting page.
2. Click [Application] for more settings.
3. Click [Installed] on the application page 4102.
4. Find the 1653 application you want to clear data from, and then click Open.
5. On the application information page, click [Clear Version and Remove Data].
6. Click OK in the pop-up window
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > How to delete the usage time of mobile phone software?


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