Is the downgrade package of vivoz5 mobile phone system

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Is the downgrade package of vivoz5 mobile phone system
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The vivoz5 mobile phone system has a downgrade package.
1. You can access the vivo official website/vivo mall APP, My, service outlets or the website version of the vivo official website, and the bottom will drop.
2. Service support: query service outlets, select provinces and cities to query the address of customer service centers.
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The method of downloading the downgrade package from a vivo mobile phone can be implemented through the following steps:
1. Open the computer browser to access the vivo official website service, as shown in the figure below;

2. Pull down to find the mobile phone upgrade and click to know all, as shown in the following figure;

3. After entering, find the corresponding model and click Enter; As shown in the figure below;

4. Find and click the resource download option in the lower right corner to enter, as shown in the following figure;

5. Find the corresponding version and click the download button to download it.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > Is the downgrade package of vivoz5 mobile phone system


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