Some data is missing after Excel freezes the window

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Some data is missing after Excel freezes the window
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According to your description, some data cannot be displayed because the number of frozen columns is larger than the screen display width. The solution is to unfreeze and reset the appropriate width to freeze.
First, open the Excel file and locate the column to be frozen. Right click the column and select Unfreeze in the pop-up menu.
Then, adjust the width of the column to be frozen according to the screen display width. You can set a freeze of appropriate width by dragging the column title bar or using the Format Cells function.
After completing the above steps, freeze again to solve the problem that data cannot be displayed. I hope it is helpful to you!
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Select the table in the upper left corner and right-click - automatically adjust the table according to the window
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After selecting all the tables, right-click and click Unhide. That's all right.
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According to your supplement, the formula is simple
Assume that two columns refer to columns a and b
C1 cell input formula
Drop down Copy Formula

The question is whether to use the contents of cell a1 when cell a1 and cell b1 are different
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ZOL Q&A > Some data is missing after Excel freezes the window


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