How to set the top horizontal row ABCD and vertical row of numbers in Excel with small font size

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How to set the top horizontal row ABCD and vertical row of numbers in Excel with small font size
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To set the top horizontal ABCD and vertical numeric font size in Excel, you can follow the steps below:
1. Open Excel software and enter the table to be set.
2. Select the table, and then click the "Format" option in the menu bar at the top of the interface.
3. Select Cell Format in the pop-up dialog box.
4. Find "Alignment" under the "Number" tab and set it to "Center".
5. Find "Font" under the "Number" tab and select a suitable size.
6. Click OK to save the settings.
In this way, the size of the top horizontal ABCD and vertical numeric font in Excel will be adjusted.
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View - display scale, set larger
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Just increase the view scale of the page
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Adjust the display scale.
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Generally, it is appropriate to adjust the display scale to 100%. Sometimes the table is large and needs to display more grids, so the display scale is reduced.
ABCD and 1234 are table coordinates, and font size cannot be set at will. You can only adjust the display scale.
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ZOL Q&A > How to set the top horizontal row ABCD and vertical row of numbers in Excel with small font size


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